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Working Consciously

Things to know about the mode of collaboration, which I invite to

What is working consciously? A way of working that serves as an alternative to the efficiency-maximizing, deficit-oriented and hyper-individualized of our prevailing working environment.



Why work consciously? By working consciously, we can explicitly take care of ourselves and the relationship in which we create the work.
We can learn to take responsibility for the process, which is necessary for self-organization.
The quality of the work results can be increased.



Do we have to work consciously? All things optional, you shape our cooperation in terms of how much and when to apply this way of working. For a long-term cooperation it is important to me that you bring an acted on interest.

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First being, then doing

Being fully present, in the moment and for each other, is the best base for a pleasant experience and quality results.


​Relativity of the intellect

We are more than thinkers! Everything of you, in a responsible way, has a place at work and can enrich it.


​​You. I. We.

Each of us is responsible for our own inner experience and at the same time for what emerges when we come together. Being productive and getting to know yourself via interaction.

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These Practices enact them

Mind and body work - to be fully present 

We are brain-workers. With a clear head, we work better. Being fully present through breathing exercises, mental practices or movement.


Dialog & Thinking Circle - for conscious busyness (meetings)

With approaches such as deep listening, intentional speaking and individual ownership of one's own reactions,  dialog & Thinking Circle strengthen the community and response-ability of each individual. Meeting structures that relativize hierarchies as well as create awareness of the common center and togetherness contribute directly to taking on process ownership and to learning to self-organize.


​Creativity techniques, agile methods, Design Thinking

In this way, we give all thinking, feeling, perceiving a place in the workshop or in the process, in order to come to an implementable, good result. 

Ãœber mich

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings
having a human experience.”

P.T. Chardin, Jesuit, paleontologist, anthropologist, philosopher



live Yoga

I am passionate about being. Simply arriving to yourself and being in the 
 here-and-now. Everywhere. Even at work, with colleagues!
My journey in the life philosophy of Yoga has brought me to this passion. The results with my clients – individual satisfaction, the right and good results, connectedness in the team – encourage me on my way to create space for conscious being in our work.
When I am not with you, I am full time dedicated to my PhD on collective spirituality and implications for organization design at the Chair of Hindu Spirituality and Society at VU Amsterdam.

I have accompanied organizations from various industries worldwide on their way to self-organization or agile working, e.g. in e-commerce, SaaS, automotive, banking and public institutions. My clients include(d) individuals as well as medium-sized companies and start-ups within large corporations.

Yoga has accompanied me since I was 14 years old. I have a two-year yoga teacher training as well as in-depth knowledge of Hatha Yoga and Japa practice, Yoga Nidra, Bhakti Yoga (Kirtan) and the guidance of meditation.​

​How do I come up with the idea of "working consciously"?

Life has gifted me with rich situations and contexts, through the experience of which I  came to my views and concerns. I traveled a lot for work, lived in hotels, often abroad, far from known social context. Plus 12-hour days in a challenging environment. My daily Hatha & Japa practice (physical exercises  & recitation of Sanskrit words) was an anchor that gave me direction and guided me in decision making. Reasonable decisions as well as consciously designed situations and learning moments were the result of my daily practice. I know the effect of a restless mind & many emotions from earlier times. Hatha & Japa always sorted me out. ​

In short: I am convinced from my own experience that being more conscious leads to a better work experience. Conscious being, integrated into the work, serves to achieve concrete results and lets people breathe a sigh of relief.


You can find my complete CV on LinkedIn . If you think we should talk in person, I look forward to hearing from you  !


What do we really achieve just by ourselves..? Thanks to the encounters that have a lasting influence on my (yoga) path.

Stuart Baldwin, for the impulse, space-holding and expertise crafting the videos as well as Yandara for the equipment and beautiful location. 

Uma Dinsmore-Tuli - the way back to intuition, Jai Ma!

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta - Introduction to the Vedanta philosophy. No further connection to this organization.
Marijana Savovska - first teacher and support on my yoga path.

The Yogakula of my yoga teacher training - for your support and encouragement.

Santosh Puri Ashram  - for me a place to be. 

All previous clients with whom I was allowed to develop further and all the mentors who have supported me along the way.

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Vanessa Englert

VAT DE322962804

©2022 by Vanessa & TigrisWeb Design

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