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What does it mean to be human, together?


As a scholar at the overlap of Organization and Spiritual Studies, I focus on applying qualitative empirical methods to discover the nature of shared spiritual experiences in organizational settings such as the office, class room, in doctor’s consultation, etc. The motivation for this research stems from my practitioner experience and my conviction that how organizations are set up should serve human kind to be their full selves; enabling us to explore and live who we are individually and collectively, also at work. My daily dedicated yoga and art practice in turn nourishes me to show up and contribute my part in all areas of life.

As a researcher, I make myself available for what wants to be heard and said applying various ways of knowing whilst complying with the guidelines for rigorous research of my field.

My PhD comprises three studies exploring the inquiry of collective spirituality and its implications for organization design: 1. Collective Spirituality in organizational settings: a scoping review of definitions, concepts and research trends (study lead, international and interdisciplinary team authorship). 2. Reflecting out of Aatman – a grounded theory on the intention of realizing and living divine essence in Hindu organizational settings (Grounded Theory methodology, sole author) 3. Implications for designing organizations for collective spirituality (Expert interviews, sole author).

I'm looking for partners!

(companies, institutes, educational facilities, fellow researchers)


Are you also interested in studying collective spirituality?

If so, please feel free to contact me.

I look forward to hearing from you!

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Vanessa Englert

VAT DE322962804

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